Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Work It Out

Let’s face it—I hate to workout. HATE HATE HATE!!!

Once again, I’m faced with the reality that I know that cardiovascular exercise is important. I know I need to do it—but I just hate to and lack the motivation to get sweaty during these humid Michigan months.

I have an elliptical trainer that I bought 2 years ago that has done nothing but collect dust. I have a pile of DVDs that are collecting dust. I have a Wii Balance Board that is—you guessed it—collecting dust. Last year, I bought a slew of new workout clothes that have maybe been worn once or twice to actually work out in, but have been worn for jammies several times.

My goal is to start out slow—every other day is what I’m pushing for—to do at least 15 minutes of exercise. I know 15 minutes doesn’t sound like a lot, but for a big girl who hasn’t worked out in awhile, it’s more than enough to start! The 17-Day Diet recommends 17 minutes of activity a day but I'm just not up for that yet.

I’m hoping that when I start my new job, I’ll be more motivated to workout—especially since I’ll only be working three days a week. As I finish orientation and transition to nights, I think that I’ll join the YMCA (and now you have that song stuck in your head too) located near my new employer. I can go in the morning, get a workout in, then come home and sleep. I think that the Y will be much less intimidating than my local health club, and since it's in GR I am less likely to run into peeps that I know!

On a positive note--I refused to let myself step on the scale this morning. Small changes really do make a BIG difference.

Work it out, my friends! Get some activity into your day!